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My Truly Love Is Mr. President Director

Bab 3 Chapter 3 Lost in Thought

Jumlah Kata:2344    |    Dirilis Pada: 17/11/2022

e cost of Muria's treatment in the ICU and the second ring installation operation. She fe

ukro husband and wife who sincerely accompanied her to wait for Muria. The Sukro husband and wife when they saw Rachel, looked

achel by the arm, and brought her


Rachel spoke in a desperate tone, "Anto doesn't

sighed together again, then

hel, "We will raise funds for

d at the hus

be don

ing to do

ce. So you don't lose your job." suggested that Rachel return to the Carter Oil Company

o hear this, how did

ned why Bu Sukro spoke to Rachel like that earlier. "So hurry back to your office. Go to your

ostly didn't care about his staff's misfortune. Except for the staff,

kro persuaded Rachel

t about

said Pak Sukro, "Go back t

other choice at this point. If he insists on staying with Muria, she is very likel

y knew where Muria was being treated, and immediately went to t


Rachel, because when Rachel was 17 years old, she had supporte

"I know I'm guilty. I am willing to accep

t, 'This is strange too because as long as I've worked here Mr Keith didn't care about the lower staff like Rachel. The important thing for Mr. Keith, the work

to keep Rachel working at the Carter Oil Company, even though he knew Rachel had violated


've faced me, the problem you created is

dn't pun

me to pu

ed her saliva, then

already lunch break, so you don't catch a cold, and t

derstood, "Thank you so

, the one who forgave you Mr. Keith th


htime to eat the lunch she made at home. She is still thinking about where to get the money for Muria's tre

Mother's prayer from heaven, okay. So that Acha can immediately get money for their grandfather's treat

by Jack. Keith intended to take Rachel out for lunch. When Keith came, Sundari

uickly asking them to sit back down, h

ack down. Sundari stoo

uked Keith, "Do yo

index finger of his right hand in the air, a sign for

st out of the room. Only Sun

were out of the room, "Where's Rachel? I

Keith is keeping an eye on Acha? Is Mr. Keith the same as A

because Sundari seemed to gape at him, "Where is Rachel Espa

her to eat lunch, after meeting me earlier.

taff if anyone kno

ded her head, then hur

Jack waite


the incoming message from Veron. Veron sent him a file detailing the medical expenses along wit

h Isa, one of Rachel's be

ith who put the cell phone back

ere Rachel is?" Keit

a next to him, "Isa, tell Mr. Keith qui

e had faced Keith. "Sir, I think Acha is in the tower of this building."

know or not exactly where she is? You said th

o hear Keith's firm wor

the conversation, "Sorry, Isa's t

you sa

iend here. Isa knows Acha when

alone in the tower

orry sir." She realized playing interrupted

a's innocence, "Besides the tower, is there an

She likes to go there because she can be alone w

ther p

ook hi

look for the tower," ordered Jack to look for Rachel in the garden, "If she is there, you send me a message." he continued and hurried off, aiming for the tower. "Go


ellphone. She took a deep breath, a look on her face between hope and pes

tructions to the person he's currently calling, "To help finance the operation. In line with th

pe you will help Rachel to save her grandfather's life. Rachel

phone call, immediately sat next

ukro rebuke

a an adopted daughter, because we have no children. So as

d girl. They liked Rachel who was a sweet child. They also like Emily and Muria. Sinc

ighed, "Ah yes, when w

row mo


l in the tower of the Carter Oil Company buil

elp Rachel. 'Hey what about me? This is the first time I'm like this to a girl?' Keith realized there was something odd about him that made


call from Veron, because the ringtone that was heard was ind

e. They're raising funds to help with Rachel's grandfather's surgery costs? You continue to monitor it, and if it is indeed fundraising, find out the account number of the person in charge of the fundraising. OK, thank you.


rang. He stopped walking, a

as in the tower. Yes, you go to the tower, stand guard at the tower door, and don't let anyone enter the tower first, I want to be with Rachel for a moment." he chirped to Jack, "Ah yes, you quickly ask Astari for snacks an

achel was unaware of Keith's arrival, still lost in the thought of getting fu

ed it beautiful and attractive, 'Your aura is so beautiful. I

different from his feelings for the women he knew. Ke

s! M

tely turned her gaze to Keith, surprise

, and the heels of her sneakers-wrapped feet hit the stone edge of the tower wall, "Ahhh

th was shocked

e cont

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