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Met A Handsome Ustadz

Bab 4 Journey

Jumlah Kata:1025    |    Dirilis Pada: 01/03/2024

ues to monitor the progress of her plan. He felt confident that th

ed to talk to Sara based on the inf

d about several violations reported by Usta

't know what that means. I didn

vidence. However, we must ensure that every

sfied that his plan has given Sara more attention. However, behind his victory, he began

lings of injustice grew between students and teachers. Ustadz Rafi, as the leader of the Islamic boarding school

and hopes that justice will be served. Even though there is conflict within the Islamic boarding school

h Sara. Even though Ustadz Rafi still adheres to the principles of justice, he feels th

ailable evidence, I must impose a punishment in response to the

, I really don't know what is meant

tadzah Aisha's accusation, but also to ensure compliance with

the violation he considers to have occurred. While Sara may feel unfair and disappointed with this decision, Ustadz Raf

. Ustadz Rafi feels responsible for restoring peace and maintaining harmony in the Islamic boarding school environment. This process ma

out the accusations brought against him, he realized that the situation at the Islamic boarding scho

do anything, but had to pay the price for the c

He involved himself in the extra tasks given and tried to learn from this experience. Even though her hear

that this conflict not only affected Sara, but also created disharmony throughout the Islamic boarding school. Ustadz Rafi plann

ic boarding schools are places of learning and peace. We

and concerns. With a willingness to listen and find solutions together,

to face conflict with a cool head and an open heart are an important

to change. The parties involved are willing to listen and find joint solutions

ence and together create an environment full of re

, realized that it was important to work together to restore peace. He began

f this helps the Islamic boarding school

ed between them. His feelings, which were initially driven by jealousy and disapp

d focus on our common mission, namely providing goo

over from tension and conflict. Ustadz Rafi directed efforts to build togetherness and

ities for learning, understanding, and growth for all parties involved. The hope is t

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